No Main Topic

  1. Putting away childish things.
  2. Temporary assignment.
  3. In Iran: still more protests.
  4. If China can do it, why not us?


re, no. 1: All this flap about missiles and missile attack is pretty stupid. Missiles are an endgame weapon, especially when going up against the U.S., where all by ourselves we could sterilize the entire planet. No one will send serious missiles (puny conventional explosives, maybe, but they're more for effect rather than any actual damage) at America, or our allies, because they know, even the totally crazy ones, that the response will be a very final one. Holding nuclear missiles merely assures that nobody can apply a knock-out blow to your regime without recieving a painful counter-punch. Long-range nuclear weapons are not tactical weapons, but psychological ones. Anyone who seriously thinks that Iran will send missiles to Europe or America thinks that the entire country is suicidal, and that is crazy even by crazy standards.

re, no. 4: "Just eight months ago, thousands of Chinese workers rioted outside factories closed by the global downturn. "
The only people close to that here in America are our most dangerous and deluded members, and they're protesting not because they've been denied something, but because someone wants to give them something. That is why China is recovering and we're not.

We are STUPID.

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