CNN'S Fearmongering Over China Due To COVID Probably Won't Affect Many Americans

 CNN's anti-China story in a nutshell: China's lockdown policies regarding COVID-19 prevented a  a 3-year-old from the Gansu province from getting medical treatment that led to his death, and this is only one of many stories. The implication is that China's COVID-19 policies and health care protocol is inferior and ergo, Americans should even bother to emulate anything about China (especially their economic system).

This inference/critique falls flat for a few reasons:

  1. America never had a real coordinated approach to dealing with COVID-19. For the most part, the federal government acquiesced to the states, and many of them passed the buck to cities/towns/counties/etc. The mission to get past COVID-19 was economically-driven, not "well-being of the populace" driven, as evidence by rules changing because of complaints from airlines or parents who didn't want to watch their own children after two months. 
  2. Partially because of #1, COVID-19 in America became (and still is) politicized. Basically, the right oscillates from not believing that it's real to questioning any approach to addressing it, while the left oscillates from believing it's a mechanism for controlling the populace to questioning any mainstream commentary on the subject. Democrats who swore up and down to not take the "Trump vaccine" lined up for jabs after after Biden won in 2020 (never mind that the development was already underway during the previous administration). Despite this, the general consensus is now that the worst is over (as evidenced by the focus on mid-terms, Ukraine, and inflation).   
  3. As many sick Americans can attest, COVID-19 threw American hospitals into a tailspin. On top of Reasons #1 and #2, hospitals were lessening their bed counts before the pandemic hit. Warehouses that stored ventilators and masks sold them because before the outbreak there was little profit in storing items "in case" something happened. 
  4. For their population size, China isn't exactly exploding in COVID-19 deaths (they just make the Top 15 in new cases). 
  5. There have been more COVID-19 related deaths in America after the vaccine has been released than before it was released. 


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