Tulsi Gabbard Is All Over the Place

 Tulsi Gabbard, the anti-"regime change war" advocate who left a cushy position in the Democratic Party to support Bernie Sanders in 2016, challenged Hillary Clinton, had to explain her positions on everything when she ran for president in 2020, dropped out and endorsed Joe Biden (as a "good man" with a "good heart") and recently left the Democratic Party has endorsed forever politician Chuck Grassley :

In a statement, Gabbard praised Grassley’s conservative priorities and said Grassley’s Democratic opponent, Mike Franken, would be a “rubber stamp for the Biden administration.”

“I’m supporting Chuck Grassley because we need leaders who will put the well-being of people ahead of party politics, and fulfill their commitment to uphold the Constitution and defend our freedoms,” Gabbard said.

In a video posted to Twitter, Gabbard said Grassley was the alternative to what she called “radical, so-called woke idealogues” supported by the Democratic Party.

Not that I'm endorsing the other guy, but it's interesting how Gabbard -who is in the military- barely mentions Franken's background; the guy was a freaking Admiral. How many admirals are known for being "radical, so-called woke ideologues?" How many high-level military officials are going on TV or writing pieces in the New York Times or Washington Post about raising the Minimum Wage or Defunding the Police or abolishing the CIA? Certainly not Franken, whose idea of radical is making Medicare available starting at 50

Add that to the fact that the person Gabbard is endorsing hasn't met a war he didn't like, and we can conclude that she's just another politician. 


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