NY Major Eric Adams Used Media's Crime-Hype to Win. Now He's Fighting The Media to Keep His Job

 In "political Frankenstein" news:

Former NYPD cop Eric Adams surfed into the New York City Mayor’s office on a wave of sensationalist crime coverage  by mainstream media. Adams was happy to use the non-stop, hyperbolic coverage of crime, as well as the fear engendered in the public  by that coverage, in order to justify doubling down on NYC’s racist police state. However, now that he’s been mayor for almost a year and will have to accept credit or blame for what’s happening in the city, Adams is suddenly trying to assure people that the public perception and media coverage of crime doesn’t line up with reality. Unfortunately for him, regardless of the facts, mainstream local media refuse to stop their exaggerated crime coverage. In fact, Adams is being told that he is in “Fantasy Land.”


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