James Carville Enters "Angry Old Man" Mode, Claims Germaphobe Donald Trump Doesn't Wash Himself

 I'm beginning to think that former Clinton advisor James Carville may not be well:

Now there are plenty of news stories acknowledging Trump's germophobic nature, and he's gone on record as saying that he only shakes hands because of political norms. Also, there's this:

So we're supposed to believe that a person who's this uptight about germs can't or doesn't clean/wash his own butt?

I think much like how Bill Clinton drove Republicans crazy (partially because if you look at Clinton's demographics, in theory he "should" have been one of them), Trump just rubs Democrats the wrong way by existing. 

Carville should stick to more legit criticisms, like Trump claiming all of the attempts on his life are being sourced through Iran, when the second guy clearly had ties to Ukraine (yes, there was apparently a thwarted third attempt). 


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