LOST: OK, We Get It; Jacob Knows Everyone...

...or, "Rose And Bernard Are The Lucky Ones"

On that note, how cool was it to learn that Rose, Bernard and Vincent have been living like an interracial hippie couple all this time? And how equally disturbing that none of the other background survivors are anyway to be found (guess the Tail Section people who were kidnapped came out on top in that regard, huh)?

And in regards to Jacob, how cool would it have been if we saw that Jacob had visited all the major characters from Flight 815?

Observations/Theories ('cause when you talk season finale, they're almost the same):
  1. When I realized that Juliet was the only character with a non-Jacob flashback, I thought, "She is so dead." I hate being right.
  2. When I saw Frank's "Aww, Fuck Me!" reaction to Ilana's crate, I thought, "If that's John Locke's corpse, than the Fake John Locke is probably the Guy In Black who wanted to kill Jacob in disguise (maybe even the Monster?). Again: I hate being right, so I hope I'm only partial on this one.
  3. Well, we know how Hugo and Sayid got on the plane (Jacob personally visited Hugo and convinced Ilana to nab Sayid). Not that it was really pertinent to the storyline.
  4. Miles saved his dad. Awesome.
  5. Oh, and the way the Losties came to Jack's aid? Even more awesome.
  6. Was I the only one who thought Jack and Locke's fight was a few seasons off?
  7. From the Everyone Had A Purpose File: Juliet was meant to fall down, and live, because the bomb didn't go off when Jack dropped it (of course the real reason is because the writers thought this would be more dramatic for the audience to know she survived while none of the other characters did, but whatever) and she was the "cause" of "the incident."
  8. On that note, "the incident" could very well be what we just witnessed. One could argue that the nuke going off, combined with all of that metal, temporarily kept the "time energy" at bay long enough for The Hatch to be built. Just sayin'.
  9. Was I the only one who thought Ben was going to stab Fake Locke, just to test his dead daughter's threat?
  10. Jacob visited everyone during a crucial point in their lives (Kate almost becoming a thief; Sawyer after his parent's funeral; Jack during his "Five Second" surgery; Locke after his fall; Sun and Jin's wedding; Sayid almost getting run over) with the possible exception of Hurley. His being released from prison wasn't either an entirely positive or entirely negative event, and on top of that he was the only person Jacob had an extensive conversation with.


  1. Where the hell is Claire? Was she leaping through time like everyone else? Where did she end up?
  2. Oh and what about Desmond? It's not the same having a season finale without him.
  3. How did Rose and Bernard get food without being caught (Hurley or Jin, maybe)?
  4. If Jacob never wanted to see/meet Ben, why did he become the leader of the Others?
  5. How could Richard, who has obviously been around a long time, be fooled by Fake Locke?
  6. Who else thinks that the explosion released enough energy to send everyone at "Ground Zero" back to the present time? Hands?
  7. Will the Island heal Sayid, or will he be next season's first casualty?
  8. Why did Jacob visit the survivors when he did? Besides Hugo, what was the significance of having a 10-second conversation with people who are not likely to remember you?


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