Can't Deny It Any Longer

Michelle Bachmann is six shades of crazy.


Why should the MN papers need to say anything? Dont people in MN have cable? Or the internet? Surely by now they should realize that they have a lunatic representing them, and so are lunatics themselves by extension?

So here would be my question: Who is Michelle Bachmann aligned with in MN? What Big Money/Power interest has a stake in her that the local media is so afraid of, because it isnt Bachmann herself, is it? Papers and local news love to report on the crazies, unless it'll piss off the crazy's daddy or husband or brother or puppet-master or whoever "supports" her (and controls a lot of advertising dollars). And she's got to have one, unless the people who elected her are just as demented as she is, in which case its a losing battle.

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