Some People Still Can't Figure Out the Whole "Election" Thing

FoxNews is really in a tizzy; after eight years of being the unofficial news channel for the Bush White House, they find themselves as lost as the GOP with Democrat Barack Obama at the helm.

I'm not too worried about the GOP; either they'll make a honest move to appeal to mainstream America, they'll lie to get just enough voters to make a fight of things or they'll listen to people like Limbaugh and end up folding into themselves like a neutron star.

But for FoxNews and their heavy hitters, it's like having a snowball fight in Miami. Every program has seemed to have devolved into, "Barack Obama Bad/Democrats Mean/Why No One Like Conservatives?"

Take Sean Hannity for example. As Newshounds notes, he was desperately trying to get Bernard Goldberg to agree with him that the problem is not Republicans or the conservatives that are sucking the life force out of the party with their purity nonsense, but rather those lying Democrats and that gosh-darn socialist Obama. Like all things GOP nowadays, this is part or a quasi-coordinated theme that the Republicans need to get the truth out about what their party really stands for (guess they think people forgot over the last four months) .

Anyway, Goldberg couldn't take the sweet, sweet bait Hannity kept throwing out there and insisted that the fault of Republicans isn't their conservatism but their electability. He ended it by saying -I kid you not- that the GOP need their own version of Barack Obama. That Hannity didn't say, "I do declare..." and faint like a Old Southern White Woman was a shocker.

But I think Goldberg, while close to having a point, still missed the mark. I can think of at least two Conservative Black Republicans who are telegenic enough to make waves in the party (three if Limbaugh and the Purity Brigade would cut him some slack). But the party would be hard-pressed to find any African-American under 35 who openly wants to slap an elephant sticker on their chest. Also, the idea that the Democrats won the White House back because their candidate was "younger and hipper" completely ignores the Longest Primary Ever, when everyone (conservative and liberal alike) was so sure that Hillary Clinton was going to dance through (until Obama and John Edwards introduced the pundits to reality).

The point is this: Hannity, FoxNews, Limbaugh and a whole mess of Congressional Republicans at like we didn't have an election recently. We did; and the American People chose Obama and Joe Biden (oh yes; I believe in the "Package Deal" Theory). All the ranting about socialism, the Tea Party demonstrations, the so-called listening/teaching/lying tours in the world will not changed the results of 11/4/08, just like all the claims of non-citizenship, alliances with radicals and "unpatriotism" did much to keep people from the polls.


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