Around the Internets

  1. Eugene Robinson asks if Oprah is enough to help Obama win the presidency, and wonders whether today's America is ready for a black president.

  2. Oliver Willis calls Dana Perino on her stupidity so I don't have to.

  3. Jurassicpork: "For the CIA, the decision to resort to torture is "like flipping a switch." How convenient. How easy. How utterly monstrous."

  4. Glenn Greenwald tells us what some don't want to hear but need to: that there are Democrats in Congress who are essentially enabling the President's more questionable (and borderline illegal) actions.

  5. Think Progress provides another reason not to vote for Fred Thompson or Mike Huckabee: their denial of the danger posed by global warming.

  6. daveawayfromhome wonders why we can't choose our presidents like in the old days.


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