All You Need to Know About the American Economy

I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system. -- President George W. Bush, Champion of the Free Market.

Read that sentence again.

It's like killing doctors to prevent abortions. Like starting an unnecessary war in order to keep people safe. Like illegally wiretapping Americans in order to listen in on calls from terrorists.

Nothing this guy says or does makes sense until you ask the question: "Is there money to be made from this, and by whom?"

Here's the kicker: this attitude doesn't go away with Bush's "retirement" from the White House (it didn't start with him either). That fact that people like him are willing to break the rules and ignore their belief structure just so they can keep touting their belief structure speaks volumes.


Apparently, rather than Keynsian economics, Bush believes in a more Orwellian system.

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