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  1. Apparently Dallas isn't the only team with running back conflicts. So far be it for me to be hypocritical.

  2. I know she's a Kennedy, but c'mon people: that should not be a prerequisite for office, anymore than being a Bush.

  3. Personally, I find the idea of a "car czar" silly; why is every solution rooted on the premise that one guy can oversee everything and make it all better?

  4. How Death Proof: The #1 killer of kids is cars.

  5. Sister Mary Francis. Sick bastards.

  6. Look, people: if this story shows anything, it's that the jerk governor from Illinois was engaging in the type of politics (you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours) that Obama's trying to change. And the Democrats in the Illinois Congress is trying to kick him out. So before people start with this "Oh no! How will this affect Barack?" nonsense, might I suggest some meditation?

  7. On the other hand, this is something Obama should be paying attention to.

  8. American children are improving in math and science, but still have a way to go.

  9. More proof that we're winning the war on terror.


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