Wikipedia Is VERY Specific About Determining What Goes Into a Person's Profile Box.

So I was looking up, well, people in politics who speak against the status quo narrative, and realized something interesting/odd about Scott Ritter's Wikipedia profile box:

His criminal charges (another story for another time) are listed, as if that's his identifier. Curious, I went through some higher profile people with more publicly known criminal charges to see what's in their box:

Huh, interesting. Well maybe this is strictly a political thing, so let's look at (and I can't believe this is a Wikipedia entry) a list of American federal politicians convicted of crimes, like Scooter Libby, Jesse Jackson Jr., John Dean, and Anthony Weiner. Of those four convicted politicians, only Weiner's crimes are highlighted in the profile box. 

So apparently if you're involved in politics and convicted of crime like sexual assault and rape will it be part of your Wikipedia profile. So fraudsters, embezzlers, people who create and/or advocate for policies that lead to death and destruction, take a breath: your crimes will not be highlighted with your date-of-birth, education and family/relations. 


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