Hillary Clinton Touts Joe Biden's "Accomplishments"

 So Hillary Clinton was speaking at the Vital Voices conference (hey look: her Chief of Staff is on their Board of Directors!) and she was asked about how Joe Biden was handling being in the White House (in a way that suggested that she should be president, or course).

In her response, she touted some of Biden's policies: building roads, broadband, the CHIPS bill, and clean energy. Now on the surface, these are safe issues that could possibly get a few on-the-fence Democrats to pull the lever in Biden's favor. But when you look at how these policies played out, you start to wonder why Biden didn't just do something that would help more average Americans, like cancel all student loan debt (ANSWER: his donors don't want that). 

For example:

  1. Biden's infrastructure plan requires a lot of currently-sparse skilled labor, and has the unfortunate consequence of potentially splitting up black communities. And not everyone is elated that only nine bridges are being addressed
  2. Biden's broadband policies clash with his "Buy American" policies.
  3. The CHIPS and Science Act -while promising- may have come too late, as China has been eating America's lunch in the semiconductors business
  4. Biden's "clean energy" involves coal; and to be honest any positives get overshadowed by his approval of Alaskan oil drilling

In other words: even the accomplishments that Clinton mentions aren't worth much fanfare. It's probably why most of the media is focused on the Threat of Trump than the Benefits of Biden.

(It should go without saying that Clinton did not mention Biden's lack of response to Roe v Wade being overturned, how he ignored the disaster that occurred in East Palestine, or that he lead the Democrats in screwing over railroad workers. I mean, these were also accomplishments, just not positive ones.) 


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