Pros & Cons: Dr. Cornel West Running As a Third-Party Candidate
- Forces the Democratic Party to addresses issues/policies they would normally ignore.
- Forces third-parties (like the Green Party) to up their game.
- Forces Democratic voters who like Dr. West to reconcile his platform with their party allegiance.
- Automatically becomes the most left candidate running for president, making Republican attacks calling the Democratic Party "far-left" and Democratic claims of being the most progressive irrelevant (NOTE: the only real recourse is to say that West is not really that left, and to do it ingeniously).
- Forces the People's Party to either work to get ballot access and/or local candidates, or risk becoming a empty, shapeless organization.
- Can expose the flaws of the Electoral College, which is one of the major problems in electoral politics.
- Will be labeled "socialist" further re-defining that term in political circles.
- Smears and attacks by the media may dissuade other potential third-party candidates (but it shouldn't).
- The Electoral College will not allow Dr. West to win the general election.