The Mainstream Critiques Against Dr. West's Presidential Bid Will Not Be Logical

There will be a few legit ones; in addition to some of the "cons" I listed. One, for example, is that at the end of the day West is a reformist. 

But instead of focusing on that or actual policy issues, mainstream gatekeepers have opted to use Dr. West's collaborations themselves to discredit the new presidential candidate.

For example: take this MSNBC post from Joy-Ann Reid acolyte Ja'han Jones:

  • First, Dr. West is attacked for co-writing an op-ed with a conservative that highlights one specific policy that Florida Governor DeSantis supports; instead of going into that policy, it's DeSantis' other more public and divisive policies (that West doesn't endorse) that gets highlighted. Then West's association with the company involved with this policy is brought up as a red flag (for what it's worth, even the company's CEO thinks that this is rather ridiculous).
  • Next West's association with Russell Brand is smeared; apparently being a comic on the less censored Rumble is problematic. Never mind that the reason Rumble leans more conservative is basically because that crowd abandoned YouTube first and now that more left and independent  (read: post-duopoly) voices are being shadow-banned or censored, they're starting to migrate there as well. As for Brand; let me know if this video looks like the work of a celebrity ideologue. 
  • Then there's the critique of the People's Party: not the allegations that entities like Sabby Sabs and Status Coup have covered, no...MPP had the audacity mention that party supporter Jimmy Dore went on Tucker Carlson's show. Of course, to bring up the issues that Sabby and Jordan Chariton did would also put a spotlight on Joe Biden (**cough-cough Tara Reade cough-cough**). 
  • Finally, Dr. West is characterized as a envious of Ta-Nehisi Coates, when West's "maligning" seems to boil down to, "The guys praises Barack Obama way too much." No mention that this started in a Guardian column where West said that Coates is "the neoliberal face of the black freedom struggle," in response to Coates' pro-Obama book ("We Were Eight Years in Power;" implying that Obama's presence was some kind of golden era for African-American issues) or that Coates responded and than quit Twitter (with a, "peace y’all. i’m out. I didn’t get in it for this.”)

There it is: Dr. West sometimes aligns with people on the American Right for specific causes and argues with people he believes to be bad faith actors. In a world where Democrats and Republicans team up to inflict maximum pain to the American people, and Joe Biden tells Black People they aren't Black People if they don't vote for him, I don't understand why what Dr. West has done (recently, I might add; Jones does not seem to  bother with anything pre-2015) can be considered that offensive, let alone right-wing. To be honest, the "he needs ballot access" is a far better critique to use, but since that would involve talking about how the sausage is made and I don't see mainstream media making many arguments of substance. So while Mr. Jones begins his year's-long journey of eventually convincing people to vote for the Democratic nominee (which will most likely be Joe Biden), I recommend that people continue to keep their minds and options open (both inside and outside of electoral politics).  

BONUS ILLOGICAL MAINSTREAM CRITIQUE: Shorter Nation: Because we don't want to address the flaws of the Electoral College, lack of advocacy for ranked-choice voting and the fact that the DNC argued in a court of law that voters have a net zero impact on the party's presidential nominee, we declare that Cornel West is the new Ralph Nader.  

EVEN MORE BONUS: Sabby covers the smears:


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