That Train's Never Late...

Where to begin?

  1. The numerology-obsessed, Nazi-loving, would-be assassins?
  2. People screaming the "N-word" at Palin/McCain rallies?*
  3. Emmitt Till's memorial being (once again) vandalized?

As Oliver likes to remind people, this is (only) Day Eight. Obama's talking about bringing people together, and McCain suddenly thinks that the road to the White House is claiming to be superior on the economy (I thought his strength was fighting wars?). But that's just the surface talk; underneath there's a battle to convince White America to put aside/forget/dismiss their prejudices and give the black guy the benefit of the doubt. Or, as I would put it: STOP VOTING AGAINST YOUR BEST INTERESTS BECAUSE OF FEAR!!!

Anyway, don't expect the news to get any less racial as we near the Big Day.

*UPDATE: An astute Daily Kos diarist discovers that at the Palin rally, the person actually shouted "Redistributor!" which isn't racist, just inaccuate.


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