Deja Vu All Over Again...

This is becoming depressingly monotonous:

A U.S. Army helicopter crashed north of Baghdad early Wednesday morning, killing all 14 soldiers on board, the military said.

The sad irony here is that helicopter travel is supposed to be safer:

Military travel in Iraq is often conducted on helicopters to avoid threats from roadside bombs.

Um...yeah. Well, just to set the record straight: I'm not saying "deja vu" just to have a snappy title:

Since the conflict began, 63 helicopters have gone down, including 36 struck by enemy fire. Over January and February of this year, seven military helicopters and one carrying private security contractors were taken down by insurgent fire, killing a total of 28 people. The incidents prompted the military to reevaluate flight plans and tactics used to prevent anti-aircraft fire.


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