About 41 Spines Are Needed in The House...

I wanted to hear what others were going to say about the Democrat's basic capitulation to President Bush for his FISA revisions. Long story short: Alberto Gonzales -the Attorney General who doesn't seem to want to follow the law or tell the truth- can now spy on pretty much whomever he wants.

Anyway, the best take was JP, who says:

Democrats, especially the so-called Blue Dog Democrats, were terrified that George W. Bush would call them names and say they were weak on terrorism, even though it had been proven a year and a half ago that not only has bypassing FISA not resulted in us catching a single legitimate terrorist of note, it’s also been used by the White House to spy on countless millions of American citizens who are capriciously labeled enemies of the state.

I was always concerned that the game plan for the Democrats in Congress was to do nothing and hope that the Bush Administration and the Republican would doom themselves. The problem with this strategy is that it means that the Democrats don't have an aggressive, take-charge plan that would gain them support from frustrated Democratic-voters, undecided independents and estranged Republicans.

All I can say is the Congressional Democrats gave people who believe that "both parties are the same" more ammunition.


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