Unlike some of the blogs I frequent, I choose not to take a peek at the soft white underbelly known as "the fringe," whether it be people who think President Bush called Osama bin Laden to schedule the 9/11 attacks or the people who believe that Hillary Clinton used her early membership at the Black Panthers to kill a guy. However, every now and then, these brave bloggers/websites stumble across something that even I can't help but gloss over. Such as this surreal Darth Vader/Luke Skywalker connection that's trying to be made in the face of logic, reason, physics and reality . Now Poorman , Sadly No! , and Ezra Klein are on the verge of engaging in a Stewart/Colbert/O'Brien feud, and we don't wants that. No, no, no! So here's my request to the so-called "conservatives" who think they actually hold some kind of sway in the base of their party: stop . I like to fanfic as much as the next American with a vivid imagination, but to even say that Malco...