Cartoonist Ted Rall On Tiger Woods, His Apology and Monogamy

This is a very interesting take; here's a sample:

Nowhere in America lives a kid who looked up to Tiger because he thought he was faithful to his wife.

Woods wasn't some right-wing hypocrite. He didn't preach. His church was the Chapel of Sports Excellence.

Apologize? What for?

I'm not even sure he owes his wife an apology. According to various reports (although I fathom not how said accounts were sourced), Woods' wife lost interest in sex after having kids. If she turned colder, oh well. Things happen. Tiger didn't have the right to demand that she put out. But he had every right—the duty, even, if there was to be any chance of his keeping his family intact from divorce—to have some fun on the side.

If Mrs. Woods wanted it ten times a day, on the other hand, he owes her an apology. Her. Not us.


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