The New Team Rocket Republicans

Don't be fooled. Even though Palin, Steele, and Jindal are trying to put a happy-yet-stern new face on the GOP, beneath the surface it's still the same party advised by Newt Gingrich and fueled by Rush Limbaugh.
All three of these politicians are quasi-charismatic, but when you ask them about the same issues that America has been arguing over the past 30 years, they give you the same responses we heard from the Bush/Cheney crowd. More Tax Cuts. Government Sucks. If You're Not a W.H.A.S.P., Don't Expect Any Favors.
The key difference now is that (unlike when they were in power) the GOP have examples that more reflect the diversity of this country. It shouldn't be a shock to anyone that Republicans have decided to embrace a woman, an African-American and an Indian-American months after the first African-American president was introduced to our history books. The shock is that they didn't think it was necessary to embrace these guys until it became painfully clear that they were slowly becoming a regional party.
But instead of using this..."diversity" become a bigger tent party, the GOP have opted to Cut-&-Paste neoconservatism into their latest vessels. Palin almost turned the GOP presidential rallies into mob gatherings with her "associations" rhetoric. Steele has flip-flopped so many times it's hard to understand whether he's simply a mouthpiece for the GOP base, the guy who really wanted to make some inroads but got sabotaged, or the poor schmoe who lucked out and now finds himself way over his head. Jindal has decided to follow the Mitt Romney Method of Modern Day Republicanism and do his best (or worst, depending on who you ask) impression of Ronald Reagan. None of them seem to want to acknowledge that the current foreign and domestic predicaments President Obama is forced to deal with originated under a Republican Administration.
So like the three devious-yet-vapid goofs who plague Ash Ketchum every day, these guys will join their comrades in making up stories, fiddling around with the latest gadget and mocking what they don't understand.


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