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  1. China to U.S.: "What Human Rights violations?"
  2. Rihanna tries another umbrella.
  3. Food stamp requests on the rise in Massachusetts.
  4. Tax the rich to pay for healthcare? Obama's going to need alot of support to get this idea through Congress.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but most rich folks make their money from investments, right? And most money from investments is in the form of capital gains, which is taxed at 17%. I'm pretty sure that capital gains are not taxed as income, thus escaping the 35% taxation level that "wealthy" people who are paid to do a job get taxed at, not to mention payroll taxation and social security taxation.
So rather than bitching and moaning because the bottom-most of the upper five percent are getting a bit of a tax raise on their income, Republicans should hope that nobody starts paying too close of attention to the disparity in taxation that the top 1% (who have over 75% of the money in this country) pay.
Hopefully, we'll pay attention to that lack soon. The whole "people wont invest if they have it 'taxed away'" thing is pure-D bullshit. Just because you only took home $40 million instead of $60, doesnt mean you'll stop investing. It just means the good old days of making a serious killing are behind us.

And they are anyway.
Pryme said…

You do your best commenting after lunchtime. You know that, right? LOL.

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