Stupid Logic

Currently, it goes like this:

"It doesn't matter how many overtures and concessions President Obama and Congressional Democrats make...if the Republicans and Congress vote 'no' or refuse to help, then it's not bi-partisan."

Bi-partisan is coming together on issues that both (or multiple, depending on the government) parties can agree to. I think everyone agrees that something needs to be done about the country's failing economy. Where the split is the solution: Obama wants to do things like aid for education and jobs to repair our crumbling infrastructure; the GOP wants more tax cuts for the wealthy.

In other words: New ideas versus Old Ideas.

At least three things are getting in the way of the Republicans in Congress ability to use reason:
  1. They fear that any success of the bill will be attributed to Obama and the Democrats (read: the Dems will win more elections).
  2. They refuse to acknowledge the flaws of the Bush 43 Financial Agenda.
  3. They believe if they don't just disagree with everything coming from the Democratic side they will loose the support of their crazy base.

More to the point, they fear that Obama will do to them what they (and G.W. Bush) did to the Democrats: use the veil of bi-partisanship to get normally questionable legislation passed, then heap every negative result of said legislation (or executive initiative) on the Democrats. They believe that the Democrats are as nasty and vindictive as they are, and they're trying to hold it down until the 2010 election season officially gets underway.

When you get past their stupid logic for not supporting an increasingly necessary piece of legislation, it's not hard to understand why the modern-day GOP is in such dire straits: they don't care about governing as much as they do about campaigning.

One more thing: If Obama has to get this passed without one Republican vote, then so be it.

P.S. Remembering the Bush 43 definition of "bipartisanship" in all it's glory.


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