LOST: The Doctor & The Grave Digger

I know a few people will disagree with me, but this was the best episode so far. For me, the thrill is the psychological drama the characters face, and no one faces as much as Ben Linus. He episode was the best example of this season's "What If?" flash-sideways, as we see how meek-yet-caring a person Ben would be if not for that darn Island.

Also, what I like about this episode is the relevations/discoveries. LOST is at it's best when it tells you things subtly; not when there's a character throwing exposition all over the place.

  1. In the X-reality, destroying the Dharma Initiative saved Ben's relationship with his father, but at the cost of his dad's health.
  2. Miles power is more about reading the last moments of the dead, rather than simply talking to them after the fact like Hugo.
  3. Richard Alpert reveals to Jack and Hugo that he has an unusual lifespan.
  4. We learn that Leslie can hack into people's email accounts.
  5. Ilana was charged with protecting the Candidates (bang-up job so far, lady).
  1. Judging by the diamonds he was holding, Miles was talking to Nikki and Paulo; it's quite possible he was having conversations with every corpse at the graveyard.
  2. Sun's returned to her more docile role, after being so kick-ass last season.
  3. Jack now believes that he's immortal, or something.
  4. Alpert is a wreck. Just saying.
  5. Locke's willing to follow Ben (to a degree) regardless of the reality.
  6. Ben has the making to manipulate in either reality, but in the X-reality he doesn't have the same level of motivation (ruling a mysterious Island > being a principal).
  1. Why didn't X-Ben just go ahead and expose Principle McPervert after he wrote Alex the recommendation?
  2. How did Flocke undo Ben's leg shackle?
  3. Is Alpert's claim that anyone touched by Jacob can't kill themselves really true?
  4. What part does Widmore play in all of this? Does his plans conflict with the MIB; meaning (i) would the MIB care if Widmore becomes the "owner" of the Island and (ii) does Widmore want the MIB to leave? Has Widmore ever encountered the MIB?
  5. Why didn't Ilana go to the Lighthouse?

Just one this time: Jacob was looking for a replacement, but I think the job was more managerial than anything else. Consider that the Island already has a consultant (Richard Alpert), a security system (MIB/The Monster) and patrons (the Others, the Dharma Initiative, etc.) there's a good chance that any or all of the remaining Candidates could stay in around in some capacity. Jack (doctor) could be the healer; Sawyer (thief) and Kate (runaway) are the survivalists; Hugo (sees the dead) is the Oracle/messenger; Sun and Jin may represent the two sides of the caretaker: aggressive in defending the island against intruders (Jin) and passive when guide the inhabitants (Sun).


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