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  1. “They were hungry for a victory. They came out and took it to us.’’
  2. "At this point we don't have any indication the victims were targeted because of their employment at the consulate."
  3. "I'm hopefully taking the skills I've learned of being a fighter to the national stage at Westminster."
  4. "If Katrina had not happened, this would be a mail-in area. But since Katrina, we wanted to make sure we had the most updated address list."
  5. "If you look at it, [Campbell's] skates were parallel to the [wall]. Once Campbell dishes [the puck] off, he knows Alex is there. Alex doesn't hit him, he pushes him. As he's going down, it looked to me like [Campbell's] left leg stumbled and he almost toe-picked the ice."
  6. These special forces were not accountable to anyone in the country, but General McChrystal and we carried the burden of the guilt for the mistakes they committed. Whenever there was some problem with the special forces we didn’t know who to go to, it was muddled and unclear who was in charge.”
  7. "He knows the rules over there. He would never do that. He wouldn't even do it over here."
  8. "Mr. Ballmer snatched the iPhone out of the employee's hands, placed it on the ground and pretended to stomp on it in front of thousands of Microsoft workers, according to people present."
  9. "When they are treated aggressively early, we can prevent heart attacks and stroke and they can have many years added to their lives."


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