Republicans Are Poor In The Foresight Department

Being a political party over saturated by religious dogma and fundamentalism, as well as a aversion to science and higher education, has it's downside.

Remember after Americans wanted answers to 9/11 and Condi Rice gave us the "I don't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile."

How about after Hurricane Katrina, when President Bush gave us the "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees. They did anticipate a serious storm." (Of course, Bush is a special case).

No we have Michael Steele doing the same thing.

Interesting that while trying to cover up for the fact that he's shortsighted, Steele admits that the bills was about creating jobs. Creating jobs.

Sigh. Should I even be surprised at the group who had no exit strategy for Iraq? I guess not.

Oh, and Rush Limbaugh thinks kicking out the 2008 Republican Candidate for President is supercool.

Foresight: they have none.


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