
FoxNews' headliners must eat Carnation Instant Dumb for breakfast.

First, there's Bill O'Reilly, who actually thinks attacking rapper Eminem (he *gasp* made fun of Sarah Palin in his new video!) is a good thing. Eminem. The guy who's made a career out of mocking people relentlessly.

"Few Americans take the vile rapper Eminem seriously," he said. "He represents the lowest form of entertainment in this country and is a publicity hound to boot."

"Kids see it, not adults," said O'Reilly, adding that "no one over 25 listens to him."

He said he also was surprised women's groups and "left wing" media outlets are not protesting the rapper, who also mocks Jessica Simpson , Britney Spears and Lindsay
in his video.

If Travis Tritt made a derogatory reference about Hilary Clinton or Michelle Obama , O'Reilly argued, media outlets would "kill him."

Well, Bill: for starters, neither Hilary Clinton nor Michelle Obama used their femininity (i.e., winking) to grab the voter's attention. And if you really on some kind of "Sarah Palin Watch," where was your outrage when this was written?

Oh, and if his first LP dropped in '99 I'd say that unless teens 15 years and younger are the only age group who are into rap, it's a safe bet that there are some people 25 who listens to him.

Next up is Neil Cavuto: Ignoramus Supreme. All his guest wanted to know is, "Why are these Tea Party Protests happening now, as opposed to eight, six or four years ago; and why is FoxNews endorsing them?" Cavuto went into Defense Mode, claiming that this is not about party but Big Government spending like a drunken sailor (again, he guest ask, "But why now?"). Then he says that he's been fighting against this sort of thing sense he got on television (like that has anything to do with the tea parties) and that it's FoxNews' role to shed a light on the people's frustration (sure, Cavuto; whatever you say).

Fine. Maybe Cavuto should use his relentless fighting attitude to address the countless stories of tax-payer money that was spent on and sent to Iraq only to be stolen, lost or missing.

And let's not forget that the GOP was stealing from themselves as well, meaning that some of these election losses may have come from the fact that candidates were broke. I'll be waiting patiently to see Cavuto feign outrage over these atrocities.


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