Enter the Sugarman!

Sometimes, there are stories that should be catergorized as "Bad Idea News."

As with every disaster, the state of our economy highlights opportunities for good health and risks of doing more damage.

Desperate for revenue, states are considering
taxes on sugared beverages, those drinks with added sugar, high fructose corn syrup or other caloric sweeteners.

Forty states now have
taxes on soft drinks or snack foods, all too small to affect consumer decisions. But bigger changes may be on the way with recent proposals, most notably an 18 percent tax on sugared beverages put forward by the governor of New York. Nobody likes the idea of more taxes, so the bar must be set high to consider such action, particularly given the strenuous objections of the beverage industry.

Big deal; I can quit whenever I want. I don't need sugar; that sweet, sweet heaven-sent crystalized bit of goodness that explodes in your mouth like organic happy. I'm fine.



And now: some propaganda (which I'm sure the Sugarmen will adapt using new-age advertisements and hip celebrities):


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