No Main Topic

  1. The LeBron-James-to-New-York rumors are starting to piss the Cavs' owner off. Tee-hee!
  2. What are the anti-stem cell people gonna do now?
  3. Arrest the cheerleader's dad, save the world.
  4. Awesome: "AT&T and Verizon, two of the largest U.S. internet service providers, pledged yesterday at a hearing before the Senate Commerce Committee that they weren’t going to use targeted advertising tracking methods unless their clients specifically asked for them."
  5. Lucky for Palin, unlucky for everyone else.
  6. Letting them attack over there so we won't have to fight them over here.
  7. Allan Houston suspends his retirement in order to bailout the New York Knicks.
  8. McCain comes to D.C. and then talks of a bailout plan break down. Coincidence?
  9. To debate, or not to debate? That is the question.


re: Item #4: Which clients? No sensible internet user would ever ask for them, but arent the advertisers "clients" also?

Gee... would they be interested in invading the privacy of internet users in order to sell them more crap? Hmmmmm.

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