Wanna Make $147,058.82/Hour?

Here's what you do:
  1. Have a decent history in management and being a CEO.
  2. Luck out like hell and become the CEO of the sixth largest S&L in American history.
  3. Show up to work for 17 days.*
  4. Have your company get bought out .
  5. Swim in your millions!
*Now, I'm assuming this is the standard 8-hour/day shift, which at 17 days would be about 136 hours to spread $20,000,000. And $20,000,000 divided by 136 hours is about $147,058.82. I'm also not counting the money that was offered for taking the job in the first place.
Others have put the actual figure at $28,000/hr, so if my math is off...well, then my math is off.


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